Monday, May 14, 2012

Mount St Helens volcano - They use for alert people around the volcano when it will start the activity.

helps people see nifty stuf
This is an oblique air photo of the September 11th attack. An oblique air photo is a type of air photo. It is not like your typical straight-vertical style of a birds eye view. It is taken from a certain angle. As you can see, this picture shows the layers of smoke as they travel in between the buildings and around New York City as the twin towers/World Trades Center fall.


The photo above is of the World Trade Centers after getting struck by the Planes. It shows the smoke coming up off the buildings before collapsing. This could provide good insight to those generations to come as to how big the catastrophe was. The second image is of after the 9/11 incident and everything got cleared away. It looks haunting.
Somehow in Southern America satellites found a mountain formation that is in the shape of and Aztec mans face. This spectacle can only be seen from outer space.


Bears live in deciduous forests. They hibernate in winters and have thick furs to keep themselves warm. is a satellite image of river systems on the surface of Mars. It helps Martian geographers determine that  there was once water on Mars.

Icelandic volcano eruption

This was the 2011 eruption in Iceland. Geographers would use this image to determine the approximate size and impact of the eruption. Potential impacts include shutting down flights across Europe, evacuation and inability to obtain certain commodities. As well, with large eruptions, the dust in the air grows so dense that the sun cannot breach through to provide sunlight for the area. This can impact the agriculture enormously.

This is a photo of the Eiffel Tower it was taken by a satellite. Geographers can use this satellite image to learn what surrounds famous structures and help understand the different fauna and flora that inhabits Paris. 

sattilite of tsunami buddz

In this photo, geologists can use this phone to determine how far the water went inland, they can also use this image to approximate the damage caused by the tsunami including building damage and more. This is a great before and after image of the devastating Tsunami that stuck Sri Lanka On December 26, 2004, tsunamis swept across the Indian ocean, spawned by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake off the coast of Sumatra. 

satelite things

This is a picture taken by a satellite of a valcanoe erupting, satelites can track the ash as it blows across continents and inform news stations to send out warnings.

An incidental orbit of the International Space Station allowed the astronauts this striking view of Sarychev Volcano (Kuril Islands, northeast of Japan) in an early stage of eruption on June 12, 2009. Sarychev Peak is one of the most active volcanoes in the Kuril Island chain, and it is located on the northwestern end of Matua Island.
Geographers use satellite images to see what a area looks like from above earth they also collect information that we cannot see from the planets surface.

This is an image of a damaged Japanese port after the latest earthquake.  Geographers may use this to assess the damage and with knowing the ocean currents, track the spreading debris from its source.
This image are a series of shots taken before the tsunami, and then during and after the Sir Lanka tsunami on December 26, 2004. Geographers would use this to see the damage and know what to fix.

Post #12 - Air Photo/Satellite Images

Geographers use satellite imaging to study what is not visible from the earth's surface. In this vertical air photo, it is obvious this coastal resort has many geographic features - some one which include spits, sand bars, and groynes. From this view, geographers can study the numerous depths of the bays and even study the currents from the development of coastal processes and features.

This is a satellite photo of the worlds tallest hotel in dubai on the left. On the right is a man-made structure depicting the earth. These are made because the city is so cramped and there is little living space, so instead they add sand into the ocean to create extra land.

forest fires

This is an satellite image of a forest fire. The picture has been taken in infra-red. Geologists can use this image to locate the worst of the fire in certain locations and also tell where it is heading so they can stop it. 

Satellite image of forest fire

This is a satellite image of a forest fire. People could use this image to find out where the fire started and where it is heading. With this information, scientists could warn people about the fire and send water bombers in the right area to try and control the fire. This could save hundreds of lives.

OMG ALIENS?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The frog has better adapted to its enviroment, through several ways, that help its survival.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

wild weather

America has been battered recently by wildfires, floods and droughts. While leading climate scientists are unable to pin any single flood or heat wave solely on climate change, experts say the number of extreme weather events is increasing worldwide and the evidence suggests global warming is having an impact.Researchers predict more wild, unusual weather in the coming years, and they say Latin America is especially vulnerable because deforestation and sprawling construction have made the region more susceptible to flooding and landslides.